Thursday, February 9, 2012

Awesome off-road mini truck

4x4 Daihatsu Hijet kei truck at the King of the Hammers.
Really, what else is there to say about this 4WD Daihatsu Hijet kei truck other than it's awesome? I wonder if it comes with the dog? Yes, I'll take one of each, thanks. This isn't the first time I've posted this up here, but this is a much better picture. So much want. This was another small rig at The King of the Hammers off-road race in Johnson Valley, CA.


nlpnt said...

I would SO own a keitora if they were street legal.

OT -interesting article on Mini vs. Smart business models:

Commercial Truck Dealer Richmond said...

Cool looking vehicle!

Unknown said...

me gustaría tener uno de esos con volcó y lo pueda uno andar x donde quiera sin problemas de tránsito. los venderán en Colombia y a como valen en pesos colombianos