Why do I love hatchbacks? Because you can get tons of stuff in them!
This picture kind of sums it up. We were able to stuff eight bags full of leaves to be brought to the local drop site into our Yaris. We probably could've done nine bags if we really stuff the bags in.
What's the most you've been able to get into your subcompact?
This isn't a hatchback/subcompact story, but once, I managed to move an entire apartment worth of furniture in a '00 Mitsubishi Galant. It took a few trips and I had to tie a bed, a dresser, and a couch to the roof, but I got it done.
It's amazing what you can do with a little innovative packing!
Three summers ago during a heat wave, I popped for an air conditioner. I hauled it out to my old Tercel 2-door sedan, opened the trunk, and...it wouldn't fit.
Specifically, there looked to be room IN the trunk, it just wouldn't fit through the opening. Wouldn't fit into the back seat either. Finally, I brought it home in the front passenger seat, nervously eyeing the airbag the whole way and vowing never to buy another notchback again...
not subcompact, but remember my Probe? had it filled to the cieling behind the front seats and up to the window on the passenger side, plus stuff on the dash! (moving out of the dorms that year)
had to hold my printer up for the 4hr drive home so it didnt fall on me. hah.
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