As a follow up to the story a few posts below, according to a post on Yarisworld.com, a Toyota representative has apparently confirmed that the U.S. Toyota Yaris five-door will NOT be available with a manual transmission; only an automatic.
According to the rep, it's because of "slow take rates" on manual versions.
Although I understand, it's disappointing for anyone that wanted a five-door and wanted to shift their own gears.
EDIT: I should've noted to begin with: The supposed "confirmation" of this info depends on whether the poster on Yarisworld.com is a bona-fide Toyota representative. Although I brought this point up on Yarisworld, I did not here. I guess it's one of those Internet things: You just never know who's who. Thanks to D2M for bringing this point up.

Additionally, Toyota has released a couple of new colors for the 2009 Liftback including "Yellow Jolt," "Zephyr Blue Metallic," and "Blue Streak Metallic."
The 2009 refresh includes several other chagnes including a revised front fascia, restyled S-trim body kit, and a few interior revisions.
Yarisworld.com 2009 Yaris Thread
Toyota Flicker Account
Frankly, I don't believe it. I don't even drive manuals and I don't believe it. A "small market" in the US for manuals is still a pretty big market in general. I think they'll have manuals available, but it's likely there won't be a lot of them on the lots.
I think someone got their information wrong or thought it'd be fun to stir up some trouble at Yarisworld.com. Until you see hard core data from Toyota itself, I wouldn't believe anything you're getting from Yarisworld.
Oh yeah, I noticed the member "ToyotaUSA" who gave this shocking news has only *THREE* posts. Why is anyone at Yarisworld.com believing what he's saying? He's not been a member long enough to prove he's trust worthy! And there's absolutely no reason to believe he's a Toyota Representative.
Shame on this blog! Research a little better before you post something like this.
Good point d2m, I was informed via the Yaris chat line on www.Toyota.com that the manual tranny would be on the 2009 5-door LB.
Unlike Toyotausa's post, anyone can verify my claim by themselves getting on the Toyota website and asking the same thing on the chat line.
It may be possible that the actual Toyota rep on the company website is misinformed, and that ToyotaUSA is truly "in the know", but I wouldn't bet on it.
The best course of action is to "keep our powder dry" and wait for the update of the Toyota website and the various car-buying websites
d2m -- I did mention on Yarisworld that ToyotaUSA might not have been a credible poster. However, perhaps I should've mentioned that in the blog. Unfortunately, I didn't think about it at that point.
Well, it's an honest mistake. I'm glad you pointed it out in the forum. It seemed like everyone there was swallowing this guy's post hook line and sinker...
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