Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What the hell? Wood-grained kei car spotted in Oregon

Kei car with wood grain sides
My buddy, Russ, sent me this photo of a car his friend photographed here in Oregon. It is certainly the size of a Kei car, however, I don't know what it is. I'm going to guess it's electric, and likely from a Chinese company. One thing is for sure: that's a big amount of fake wood grain on a tiny little car.

So can anyone ID this thing?

UPDATE: nlpnt got a correct ID on this shelf-paper-woodgrain-covered EV. It's a Miles ZX405S EV. Thanks for the tip!


nlpnt said...

It's a Miles Electric, there's a stock one in my Flickr stream;

Andy Lilienthal said...

Thanks for the link; here it is in clickable format.

Ducati Scotty said...

I think it needs an oddly proportioned longboard on the roof to make it complete.