Monday, September 20, 2010

More proactive paint protection: Rally Armor mudflaps for our SX4

Rally Armor Mudflaps - Subcompact CultureUnlike our 2009 SX4, we're taking no chances with our 2010 when it comes to flying stones, gravel, and dirt—proactive paint protection. I just installed a set of Rally Armor mudflaps. They're very sturdy but still flexible. I bought plastic body rivets to attach them to the car, then added two stainless-steel sheet metal screws and washers per flap for added stability. I bought these used off of an SX4Club forum member (they're the universal models), and they should help protect the paint, especially in addition to the clear film we had installed. Bring on winter.

Rally Armor Mudflaps - Subcompact Culture


murphyseanm said...

When are you going to drop the steelies? You need a serious wheel on that car. Stuff a 17" wheel with 225's in there.

Andy Lilienthal said...

I know, I know. Eventually!