WHAT: 4th Annual Cruise up Mt. St. Helens
WHEN: Sunday, June 6. Time TBA
WHERE: Meet at Shell Gateway Food & Fuel in Castle Rock, WA
(1178 Mount Saint Helens Way Northeast Castle Rock, WA 98611) and and cruise up to Johonston Ridge Observatory. We'll gather for a picnic afterwards at Seaquest State Park.
WHO: Small car enthusiasts!
Yes, it's early, but I wanted to get the word out.
Rick (skywalker98632 at Scionlife.com) and I have helped to organize this event for the past three years, and 2010 will be the fourth. It's a great drive to the Johnston Ridge observatory, and we have a big ol' picnic afterward (if you plan on picnicing, bring food to share).
I'd love to have some Subcompact Culture readers come to the cruise! It's a great time! I'll be sure to post periodic reminders and updates, too.
Im addicted to taking Subcompacts on super high highway speeds.
Hey, Thrity-Nine how fast have you ever had that Yaris in the country with no Cops?
People want the power of great fuel economy, but seeing Yaris, Accent, Versa, and the Gang in the slow lane on Eco mode is the equivalent of Anti-Viagra for those cars to many people. You know how some of those guys do 55 when everybody else is doing a Billion MPH.
We have to work make B Cars the new C cars, and C cars the new D cars. I mean that in terms of popularity. After seeing the 100 Billion: Accents, MINIs, Fits, Yarises, and Versas I saw Today, I wish for a day where 100,000 Subcompacts for yearly sales is considered as normal.
I'm not much of a super-high speed person on public roads. I don't think I've had the Yaris up past 90 more than a couple of times.
I do, however, love twisty, turny roads that are fun to pilot, which is exactly what the Mt. St. Helens run is all about.
I'm loving the pic from the last cruise...great cars and great scenery! Got a gallery?
I probably cant do it this year, due to work. However, I would like to go sometime.
I'm hoping that we can make it this year. All depends on whats going on with Shirley. We will see how things go.
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