Friday, September 14, 2018

What it's Like to Buy and Own a Kei Truck

Suzuki Carry kei truck

Do you own a kei truck? Probably not. But you want to own a kei truck.

These little pickups are gaining popularity and are even road-legal in places, such as Washington state. Not only are they fun, but they can be great little work horses, too. The one pictured above is a Suzuki Carry belonging to our good friend, Tuan. He calls it ... are you ready for this? ... Carry Potter. 

Tuan wrote a great article all about the buying and owning experience on our sister site, Crankshaft Culture. It's a really fun and insightful read for anyone thinking of buying one of these.

You can also follow Crankshaft Culture on Instagram @crankshaftculture.

1 comment:

Martim Rodrigues Gomes said...

It’s a cool thing to own a truck, it’s more practical than a regular car.